Silkwood Studio

Personal and Business Branding

Name: Karen Gavin


Position in the company: Owner

Years with the company: 4

Number of employees: Just me


What is the Silkwood Studio and how does it assist companies?

Silkwood Studio is a large photography studio in Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire. I assist companies by creating bespoke images for them and their business brand. From the initial contact with their business I help to create the right impression, after all it’s the first impression that counts the most. I get to know them, their brand, what they stand for, what makes them unique and build a relationship with them. I’ll use that knowledge to create something bespoke for websites and social media. If you have difficulty deciding what to post on your social media I can help with ideas for appealing content and advice on what images can do for a marketing campaign.


The power of bespoke imagery taken by a photographer makes your business stories authentic and believable.  Could you please expand on this?

You’re unique, your business is unique so your photos should be unique. Your photos should be about you and your business not about a generic business that many others will be using as well. Your photos need to represent who you are and what you stand for. If your clients see the same photo on other businesses similar to you, they know you’re not being authentic with your photos and will wonder if you are being authentic with your words. By being honest and authentic in all your marketing you will be true to yourself and your business.


Based on your experience, how has photography evolved in companies’ business strategies?

Companies are becoming more aware of how powerful images are, we’re in an age of social media where you only stop scrolling when something catches your eye. The image has to stand out among all the other noise. Likewise, on your website if your photos are sub-standard then it is a reflection on your company, people buy from people, people buy from brands they trust so don’t give them a reason to leave.


How has Covid-19 impacted your business and what contingency plan have you used?
Covid-19 has had a significant impact on my business. Due to government guidelines I had to close the studio and have only recently re-opened with suitable safety measures. We are lucky in that the studio is 3000sq ft so have plenty of space for being 2 metres apart. During this time I have re-painted, made new props, updated existing props, attended online networking events, developed the website, updated my skills with lots of online training courses, made my own training videos for the photographers we regularly have at the studio and developed a business plan for going forward.