LIT Communication

Copywriting, PR and social media services specialists

Name: Sophie Marsden


Position in the company: Founder

Years with the company: 3

Number of employees: 1 full-time while working with a team of trusted freelancers



How important is marketing for companies, based on your experiences during these lockdown periods.


Marketing during periods of lockdown is just as important as marketing when everything is open. It’s all about staying relevant. People are desperate to eat out, go for drinks, book holidays and buy non-essential items. We’ve all missed out on socialising and experiencing new things, and as soon as lockdown is lifted, people will feel like they have ‘catching up to do’.


By marketing during lockdown, you are making sure that your business is relevant and memorable. Your marketing strategy might change, but don’t be tempted to pause it completely.


If it’s a case of knowing what to post about on social media, try showing your customers what happens behind the scenes, who works within the business, why you started your business or how your customers can support you from home.


Social Media Services, “use platforms wisely”, could you please expand?


Using your social media platforms wisely is important. So many businesses feel like they need to be actively posting on every social media channel that exists, but that’s simply not effective. For example, Twitter is great for B2B, but not as effective for B2C.


Another essential factor here is knowing your audience. If your products/services are targeted at millennials or Gen Z, Instagram and Tik Tok are going to be more effective than Twitter and Facebook. Focus your resources, rather than spreading them thinly. Find out what your ideal customer is interested in, where they hang out and how to engage them. That’s half the battle.


Can you please tell us more about your social media strategies and techniques?


Creating a community is really important at the moment, and one of the most effective ways to do this is to show the people behind the business. Giving a glimpse into your personal life or behind-the-scenes business insight goes down well. Lots of businesses are still too focused on coming across professionally. But nobody wants to see that. Remember that the people viewing your content are people too, and don’t want to constantly see impersonal sales messages. If in doubt, try asking your existing social media audience what they want to see, and use that to inform future content.


Could you please take us through a successful case study?


PR is one of LIT Communication’s main areas of expertise. One of our favourite PR case studies is with local business, Colourcube Automotive. They got in touch with after reading a blog post on the website and hired LIT Communication to promote their national award win to a local and regional audience. It was a fantastic story of a family-business experiencing national success, and it got picked up by loads of local and regional newspapers and news sites. They were also featured on the front page of the Huddersfield Examiner’s business section, which is the most amazing coverage for a business trying to attract a local audience.


Sure, achieving national coverage for high-growth brands is exciting, but there’s something so special about working with local, independent businesses.


LIT Communication specialises in communications, copywriting, PR and social media services.