Apricot Social

Get clear, get confident, get clients

Anna is a marketing strategy coach and the owner of Apricot Social. She specialises in helping coaches, personal brands and service providers to stand out online, build engaged communities on social media and sign more clients in a way that doesn’t feel pushy. Her signature programme is an 8-week 1:1 programme with a coaching session each week and support in between sessions. Based on both clarity and strategy, she helps her clients to craft their brand and understand their ideal client, and then she builds a strategy that’s designed to attract and convert them into paying clients. She also offers 2-hour strategy sessions, which are perfect for small business owners, where she will dive into an area of the client’s marketing strategy and put together actions based on the their goals. Anna regularly shares tips and trainings on Instagram and can be found at www.instagram.com/apricotsocial. She also has a free client journey workbook that can be downloaded at www.apricotsocial.co.uk/instagram-workbook.